Merry Christmas!

Dear readers of the information and analytical website EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE! We sincerely congratulate Orthodox Christians of the Eastern Rite on the Bright Feast of the Nativity of Christ. Let me wish you peace, happiness, goodness, prosperity, confidence in the future, as well as the fulfillment of all good thoughts.

In our difficult times, Christmas is that wonderful holiday that unites even disparate peoples, cleanses a person of sad thoughts and gives a reason to talk about spirituality, mutual understanding and other enduring human values. The Bible says that the Lord came to this world in order to comfort the suffering and give hope for a better life. Let us ask the Almighty for strengthening in faith and all that we all lack.

Let love and mutual understanding always reign in your home. Let every new day bring you only good news, and let your family and friends surround you with care, attention and warmth.

Sincerely, Editorial Board of IAS EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE

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