Earthquakes or cold: the difficult choice of the Netherlands

If autumn and the first part of winter in Europe were abnormally warm, the first serious cooling has come. This was why the Netherlands began to look for options for self-supply of energy and resumed gas production in Groningen, although until recently, it seemed that this page had already been turned. Why does this country not want to use its gas all the time?

Against the backdrop of severe frosts that have covered northwestern Europe, many EU countries have faced a lack of energy. The demand for heating buildings and offices is rising, which increases the need for electricity. However, resources in this field are limited, so the government of the Netherlands resorted to an emergency measure, namely, the temporary production of natural gas from the Groningen gas field located on the coast of the North Sea.

Golden mine

This deposit is estimated to be the third-largest gas reserve in the world. However, a strong-willed decision was made last year: the gas tap in Groningen should be shut off, which was done on October 1, 2023.

It would seem that this is an illogical decision because Europe rejects Russian gas. However, the motivation is strong because the development has caused man-made earthquakes. Given this, the closure of the field was inevitable.

The Netherlands decided to start the conservation of capacities for one year. This was a trial period to assess whether the cou could do without its mining. But the deposits were not finally closed, and this is very reasonable. A complete shutdown is planned for October 1, 2024, but given what is happening now, this decision may be reconsidered.

Take responsibility

Of course, the problem of earthquakes has not disappeared, but you have to balance this risk with the need to give up comfort.

At first glance, it seems that using one’s gas is much cheaper than exporting it from other countries, but this is also not so clear. After all, a conserved deposit needs to maintain the working level, which means investing finances throughout the year. Therefore, the operation of the facilities for several weeks turns into a very expensive project.

So, during the coming year, Europe must decide what to choose: comfort or foresight and ecological expediency. The authorities of the Netherlands ensure that the main task is to get by with the minimum selection of gas necessary during the abnormal cold. There is also hope that the next seasons will not bring such unpleasant surprises as the current one. However, one should hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Therefore, the summer of 2024 will be a period of difficult choices.

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