Everything has changed: Ukraine’s new war tactics require new weapons

The eighteenth meeting of the Contact Group in the Ramstein format was one of the most interesting. The fact is that during the last few weeks, Ukraine has been demonstrating a different war tactic, which requires new help from its partners. Whether this tactic will be effective and what Kyiv lacks to change the situation to its advantage was discussed at the meeting in Ramstein.

A new principle

Over the past year, the conduct of the war has changed radically twice. These were the following stages:

– attack operations;

– defense.

Now, the defense stage continues, but something fundamental has changed not on the battlefield but in the rear, in the Russian rear. Ukraine began to use the tactics of exhausting and destroying Russia’s military and industrial complex, which is very developed. It is thanks to this that in recent weeks, we have heard about periodic attacks on factories, oil and gas enterprises, large logistics centers, gunpowder production centers, command posts, etc.

Why only now?

Of course, the need for such tactics arose a long time ago because it is better to neutralize the same gunpowder during production and not in battle on Ukrainian territories. But there were several problems, the main of which are:

– insufficient availability of weapons that can be used to attack objects in the Russian rear;

– approval of Western partners for using this type of weapon and such actions.

Now, these problems have been partially overcome, and soon, they plan to strengthen this tactic.

At Ramstein this time, the methods of implementing this plan were discussed. Several important points were formed and voiced there:

– There is currently no talk of withdrawing aid from the USA.

– There is a clear intention to increase the production of weapons and ammunition. On the one hand, it is best to do this on the territory of Ukraine to simplify logistics and give Kyiv some independence in terms of armaments. On the other hand, military production requires colossal investments, which Russia can destroy during a single attack. NATO member countries are protected from such risks, so this is an argument in favor of locating production there.

– Representatives of Ukraine revealed plans for further actions necessary to change the situation in their favor. Several scenarios for conducting hostilities are being developed.

The most significant result of the meeting was a considerable strengthening of the Air Force. Helicopters and drones will be provided to Ukraine in addition to fighters. There is hope that this can become a powerful advantage in the fight against the Russian invasion compared to the picture we have now.

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