Not the point yet: why the ICC did not meet Ukraine halfway​

The day before, the UN International Criminal Court (ICC) decided to reject official Kyiv’s claim for violation of the financing of terrorism and racial discrimination against the Russian Federation. In Moscow this decision has already been called “historic”. This opinion of the Russian Federation can be questioned. Why?

This ICC decision came as a surprise not so much for Ukraine itself, but for the West as a whole. According to official information, the UN Court rejected all Ukrainian demands for compensation from the Kremlin for the actual war unleashed on Ukrainian territory in general and the downing of a Dutch passenger plane over the Donbass in 2014 in particular. “There are no sufficient grounds for such important (and loud) announcements,” says the relevant document of the United Nations structure.

In this regard, the UK, USA and Canada have already expressed their surprise at this position of the ICC. There has not yet been a joint statement on this matter, but London said that the United Kingdom will continue to do everything possible to “seek justice for Ukraine.” Washington and Ottawa spoke in a similar context, noting that from now on they will “closely monitor what is happening in the Ukrainian context.” It’s no secret that the phrase “Ukrainian context” refers to work on new international claims in favor of Ukraine.

There is no doubt that such lawsuits will be initiated and considered. “The ICC decision is not yet the end of the Ukrainian case,” European expert Alexander Mitz said in a special commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. “It is quite obvious that in the foreseeable future other legal structures will certainly meet Kyiv halfway.” When asked whether such attempts would be successful, the analyst answered positively.

Be that as it may, Ukraine, which in some international circles is rightfully considered part of the world community, will be able to take advantage of the support of other legal structures to establish the truth on a number of facts of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. At least that’s what experts say.

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