Ukrainian Air defense forces gave details about the Russian night attack at December, 31, 2022

There was a troublous night at December, 31 2022 to January, 1, 2023 for much of Ukrainians. A few months before this New Year’s Eve some information structures warned about the Russian air attack possibility. It turned out no rumors – at that date Russia launched 45 copters made by Iran.

None of those things doesn’t take the target. What made it possible and should we hope that such a “focus” of the air defense forces will now be demonstrated every time?

The Control for the sky

Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yuri Ignat said that the intensity of the work of Kiev Sky Protectors was extraordinary. “We had about 100% efficiency became possible due to the active work of the NASAMS air defense system. Ukrainian soldiers have shown that they have mastered them better than anyone in the world. With such intensity, these systems have probably never been used in any military conflict. Reloading these SAMs right during the battle and re-using them again was not demonstrated by any army, but the Armed Forces had no choice, – he told. – With the efficiency it was possible primarily because the necessary equipment was provided by the Allies. There are now enough missiles used to shoot down any air targets, but more anti-aircraft missile systems are needed as all’’.

Israeli example

In a case to understand the level of this work, it will be necessary to compare the Israel’s collaborations to Ukraine: the Jewish state is equal in area to the Lviv region, so it is possible to install the so-called “iron dome” over it with the help of only one or two modern air defense systems. To do the same with the territory of Ukraine, such air defense systems are needed ten times more.

That is why Ukrainian diplomacy works daily to achieve additional deliveries of air defense systems.

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