A secret that can be lost: the United States of America faced a real threat to national security

American officials, as well as the world’s political elite, are not jokingly worried that Russia is planning to use nuclear weapons against American satellites in orbit. The situation would be complicated by the fact that it is difficult to track who is leading this damage. How high are the risks for the United States of America?

Currently, it is known that this type of nuclear weapon is not yet in use; the Russian Federation is at the stage of putting it into operation. The novelty is that the warheads will be in space, not on land or carriers such as aircraft or ships. It is clear that practically any object on Earth can be potentially attacked with such a weapon, and the time required to identify an air target by air defense forces may not be enough.

The Kremlin is extremely interested in developing this type of weapon as soon as possible. It is truly an innovation because it could endanger the extensive US satellite network, which provides an intelligence advantage thanks to high-precision satellite images of the Earth’s surface. This threat caused justifiable concern among American officials and prompted the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Mike Turner to make a statement. He urged the White House to declassify available data on “a serious threat to national security.”

But not everyone shares Turner’s determination. Yes, several members of the House of Representatives, including Speaker Mike Johnson, responded that there is really no cause for concern. The official made several statements:

– The public may not worry about this issue.

– Active work is already underway to solve it.

– The information is classified as a state secret and should not be disclosed because it was given this status for a reason.

Jim Himes, a member of the US Intelligence Committee, fully agreed with what was said, that the panic is unnecessary in any case and that the issue is too sensitive to allow it to fall into the hands of the public.

Judging by everything, the threat to national security this time is indeed greater than usual because such concern and wide publicity have not been given to a potential problem for a long time. Obviously, it is not just about Russian nuclear weapons, which have not even been launched yet, but about more important details. One can only hope that the Americans are not on the verge of a real disaster.

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