Gun race became irreversible: China is pushing events development

The West-East confrontation along the conflict axis is deepening. Clear evidence of this is the fact that the third Chinese aircraft carrier CV-18 Fujian has started final sea trials, causing further tension. Why is this ship so important?

Largest and Most Modern

The Fujian aircraft carrier is an atypical large-sized vessel that can be compared to the aircraft carriers in service with the US Navy. It is believed that the non-nuclear propulsion system it is equipped with will make it the largest non-nuclear aircraft carrier in the world and the largest non-nuclear military ship in history.

The essence lies in the fact that this ship will be used in operations that could be deployed around Taiwan. Understandably, this not only puts pressure on opponents but also increases competition in the arms race between the US and China and their rivalry in the Indo-Pacific region.

Not the First Episode

What complicates the situation is that this is not the first episode of China demonstrating its military achievements. Recently, they simulated hypersonic strikes on the new American aircraft carrier “Gerald Ford.” This is not just a hint but a demonstration of Beijing’s intentions that cannot be interpreted ambiguously. Additionally, the Chinese are deploying DF-17 missiles around Taiwan and constantly conducting training and improving military bases in the Taiwan Strait.

And it works. Already, Washington is expressing serious concerns about Beijing’s growing military expenditures. China’s economic growth plan for 2024 reaches 5%, while the increase in the military budget exceeds these figures, standing at 7.2%. That is, the amount will reach a record $232 billion. This figure has increased 6 times in the last 30 years, indirectly indicating the overall security situation in the region and even in the world as a whole.

What to Expect in the Near Future

The most important parameter of military power in the modern world is the indicator of nuclear potential, and in this China has achieved significant success. It is known that the number of nuclear warheads has exceeded 500 units. For comparison: the American nuclear potential is 3800 units.

However, in terms of the number of military ships, China has already surpassed the USA. Currently, it has the largest fleet in the world, consisting of 370 ships (for comparison – the USA has 296). The most alarming aspect is that these changes are happening against the backdrop of China’s recent refusal to resume negotiations on nuclear arms control in November 2023.

Therefore, world analysts note the fact that the arms race between giant states is only escalating, and the destructive consequences that this might lead to in the near future are only a matter of speculation.

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