The head of the IAEA will visit Zaporizhzhia NPP: what to expect?

The visit of the Director General of the IAEA Rafael Grossi to the occupied Energodar has been officially announced. It is located in the Zaporizhzhia region of Ukraine, where is the Zaporizhzhia NPP, the pulsating point of today’s war. The goal is to assess the situation at the nuclear plant and once again emphasize the danger of this facility.

Tasty piece

The nuclear plant was captured in the first days of the full-scale invasion. It was one of the most important strategic points of the Armed Forces of the RF. Since Chornobyl, Europe, and the world have not felt such danger as in the year that has passed since that moment.

Why is it exactly Zaporizhzhia NPP? There are several reasons:

Manipulations. Russia insists on taking the station under full control because military actions here can threaten disaster. This helps to impose the opinion on the world that the occupied territories must be recognized in the new Russian borders.

Military tactics. The ZNPP can become the “last bastion” of Russia in the occupied territories, because the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not attack it, being aware of all the risks. Therefore, the Russian units immediately placed military equipment in the engine rooms of the nuclear power plant.

Economy. ZNPP produces 45% of Ukraine’s nuclear power. By leaving this opportunity, it is possible to undermine the economy significantly. In order to obtain such capacities, Russia would have to spend billions in construction, but now there is an opportunity to take everything ready for free.

Deceived hopes

The first visit of the Director General of the IAEA took place in the fall, when the Russian Federation actively attacked Ukrainian energy facilities, hoping to cause a blackout.

The Ukrainian side was sure that they would hear the condemnation of the actions of the Russian Federation. However, Grossi’s rhetoric was surprisingly neutral. He not only did not condemn the actions of the Kremlin but generally avoided any facts and did not call the things by their proper names. The only thing that sounded clear was that we should be very careful and work further to resolve the situation.

Another concern

No one expects significant changes from the second visit. The Director General of the IAEA noted that his mission is to:

  • control over the dynamics of the situation;
  • ensure personnel rotation at the ZNPP;
  • help to reduce the risk of a nuclear accident.

The Ukrainian side no longer has any illusions: the result of the visit will be another deep concern. Real steps and cooperation with the international community that will contribute to solving the problem are not expected.

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