Common pains and interests: Zelensky and Macron to meet in Paris for negotiations

It’s been revealed that the presidents of Ukraine and France have planned talks for this current week. This information comes from the Elysée Palace. The war in Ukraine and the Olympic Games in Paris have more in common than it may seem at first glance. The agenda is loaded with issues that revolve around one axis – the threat from Russia.

The primary topic will be the strengthening of defenses against Russian aggressors. Over the last year, Macron’s stance on Kremlin actions has changed from moderately neutral to sharply categorical, after which he switched to the status of an open enemy of Putin. In this context, the Ukrainian government’s diplomatic work in this direction is not just ongoing, but also quite effective. The aid that Paris is willing to give to Kyiv is constantly increasing. 

However, not only has France proved beneficial for Ukraine, but also vice versa. For instance, threats from Russia are escalating almost daily on the eve of the Olympics, and it’s precisely the Ukrainian side that can offer the best advice to Paris regarding security measures to prevent potential terrorist attacks and other risky moments. 

Therefore, the meeting is expected to be very intensive and productive. Behind the scenes, there is talk of discussions concerning whether the French side will resort to extreme measures, such as sending their military units to Ukrainian territory.

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