Ukraine does not need its prisoners

Russian propaganda has expanded its narratives with a new statement that Ukraine does not want to exchange its prisoners who are currently in Russian territory or occupied territories controlled by the Russian army.

This statement was made by Tetiana Moskalkova, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation. She said that the Ukrainian side does not show a desire to conduct an exchange of prisoners, because it is not interested in the return of its soldiers.

Such a narrative is the direct opposition to the basic slogan “We do not abandon our people!”, which was used to justify the intervention in the territory of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions back in 2014. Russian propaganda does not stop the work of implementing into the public consciousness of Russians the idea that Ukrainians do not have any moral and ethical principles.

As proof of her statement, Moskalkova showed a list of Ukrainian prisoners with 133 surnames.

Where is the truth?

Two key persons are involved in the exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and Russia:

  • from the Russian side – Tetiana Moskalkova, lawyer, major general, deputy;
  • from the Ukrainian side – Dmytro Lubinets – a native of the Donetsk region, the Commissioner for Human Rights.

According to Lubinets, Ukraine directs efforts to return its prisoners of war, involving international humanitarian organizations. However, a constructive dialogue is seldom built, because Moskalkova does not demonstrate independence in this matter and she is only a tool of propaganda.

A damaged reputation

Previously, Tetiana Moskalkova was expelled from the International Ombudsman Institute. This fact testifies to the rating of this female politician in the international arena.

In addition, she is included in sanctions lists in all European countries, because she is accused of spreading disinformation about the deportation and filtering of the Ukrainian population from the occupied territories to crush the support of Ukraine.

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