USA intends to remove Zelensky over Crimean operation: is it true

Ukraine refutes the latest fake news spread by Russia regarding alleged US plans to replace Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky through an operation by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the Kursk region. This message is viewed as another informational attack aimed at destabilizing the situation in Ukraine.

Dubious Sources

Russians are promoting a statement by Larry Johnson, a former employee of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), who claims that the US may consider removing Zelensky. However, this informant has long ceased to have any connection to political circles or intelligence services and is known for his cooperation with Russian propaganda. Russia uses such statements to bolster its narratives about external control over Ukraine.

Information Attacks

Russian propaganda is attempting to use these statements to undermine trust in Zelensky and create a sense of instability within Ukraine. In this case, it is about providing information support for a previous seed planted by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, which claimed that the US purportedly planned to replace the Ukrainian leader.

Broad Strategy

This fake news is part of a broader strategy by Russia aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian leadership and undermining Zelensky’s legitimacy. Russia is not new to using such types of information attacks. In March of this year, rumors spread about the AFU having plans to remove Zelensky, and in April, a fake news story emerged alleging Ukraine’s plans to initiate peace talks with Russia, initiated by Zelensky himself.

Russia continues to wage an information war alongside military actions, trying to manipulate public opinion and destabilize Ukraine. Ukrainians must be cautious and not succumb to provocations aimed at disrupting societal order.