Did Ukrainians Really Destroy Nord Stream? Gambling, Alcohol, and Conspiracy Theories

Ukrainians could have been behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea – such assumptions are of great interest and tension in the global media. Two new investigations, published in the Wall Street Journal and German media, point to a possible conspiracy that, if confirmed, could have serious geopolitical consequences.

Conspiracy or Coincidence? Explosions on Nord Stream

On September 28, 2022, the world saw photos of gas erupting to the surface of the Baltic Sea – the result of explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines. This event seemed more like a plot from a spy novel than reality. Since then, there have been constant debates about who is really behind this. Russia, Ukraine, or perhaps the CIA? The latest investigations only fuel the fire, suggesting that Ukraine may have orchestrated this attack.

Huge Political Explosiveness

If the assumptions turn out to be true, it could mean a real political explosion. The destruction of part of Germany’s critical infrastructure, which occurred in the internal waters of Europe, could be seen as an act of war. If it were indeed Ukraine, it would not only betray one of its key allies in the war against Russia, but also provide grounds for criticism from German society. This could lead to unpredictable consequences for international support for Ukraine.

Drunken Enthusiasm and Patriotism: How It All Started

According to the Wall Street Journal, the story did not start in the headquarters of intelligence services, but in private circles of Ukrainian military and businessmen. In early May 2022, a group of high-ranking Ukrainians was celebrating the repulsion of the Russian advance on Kyiv. During the celebration, in a state of drunkenness, someone proposed destroying the pipelines in the Baltic Sea to cut off the flow of money to Russia through Nord Stream. That’s how the idea started to take shape.

Was Zelensky Aware?

The role of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky remains an important question in this story. According to the Wall Street Journal, Zelensky initially approved the plan, but later, upon learning of CIA involvement, ordered the operation to be stopped. However, as reported by a source, Chief of Staff Valeriy Zaluzhnyy decided to ignore this order and continue the operation. This raises doubts not only about political responsibility, but also about coordination between the Ukrainian military and government.

Who Financed the Operation

The investigation indicates that the operation was financed by Ukrainian businessmen, and carried out by military and civilian specialists. The team consisted of six individuals, including specially trained divers capable of working at great depths. The explosions were organized at a depth of 80 meters underwater, indicating a high level of preparedness among the operatives.

A Conspiracy That Could Change the Course of War?

If the assumptions prove to be true, this could have far-reaching consequences for Ukraine’s international relations, especially with its Western allies. Secret operations supported by private circles risk undermining trust in the Ukrainian government and triggering significant political changes on the international stage.