There are six Ukrainians on the new Forbes lists

The American business publication updated the list of world billionaires. As every year, Ukrainians appear in it. Even the war did not prevent this.

Rinat Akhmetov

He takes the 445th place in the rating. It is the highest position among all Ukrainians. He is the owner of JSC “SCM”, DTEK, “Metinvest”, HarvEast, and others. Interestingly, since last year, Akhmetov’s assets have increased by $1.5 billion and amount to $5.7 billion.

Victor Pinchuk

The former son-in-law of the President of Ukraine Kuchma got the 1434th position in the rating. He owns Interpipe, PinchukArtCenter, Starlight Media, and others. During the months of the war, his assets grew by $0.2 billion. Now it is $2.1 billion.

Vadym Novynskyi

He is a partner of the richest Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. The main asset of the former deputy is the metallurgical business Smart Holding. During the months of the war in Ukraine, his wealth also increased by $0.1 billion. Now it amounts to $1.4 billion. From December 2022, Novynskyi was included in the Ukrainian sanctions lists. Despite this, he took the 2020th position in the rating.

Kostyantyn Zhevago

He is another rich man from Forbes, who is at odds with the Ukrainian authorities. The well-known owner of Ferrexpo did not lose or increase his capital of $1.3 billion last year. In December 2022, he was detained in Courchevel at the request of Ukraine. However, the French authorities refused to transfer the suspect involved in the case of embezzlement of the Finance and Credit bank to his homeland. Zhevago occupies the 2133rd place in the Forbes rating.

Gennadiy Bogolyubov

One of the co-founders of PrivatBank got the 2405th position. His assets during the year of the war remained unchanged – it is $1.1 billion.

Ihor Kolomoyskyi

This oligarch is the most famous in the world. He has appeared in the ranking from Forbes for a long time. However, it was only this year that this publication called him a representative of Israel. At the end of 2022, rumors spread about the deprivation of Kolomoyskyi’s Ukrainian citizenship. His assets are estimated at $1 billion.

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