Low-quality ammunition worth 2 billion hryvnas: will society forgive?

The recent scandal involving the purchase of low-quality ammunition for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the amount of 2 billion hryvnias has attracted significant attention from society and law enforcement agencies. The Specialized Prosecutor’s Office in the defense sector has sent an indictment to the High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC), accusing former high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Defense of misappropriation of budget funds and obstruction of the activities of military formations.

Who is involved in the scandal?

Among the accused are the former Deputy Minister of Defense, the head of the Department of State Procurement, and the former head of the material support development department of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. They organized the purchase of low-quality ammunition during the war, at a time when the safety of the military is of utmost importance.

How was the purchase carried out?

In 2022, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine signed contracts with foreign companies to purchase body armor and other personal protective equipment. However, it was found that the procurement procedure was violated. The ammunition was purchased at inflated prices, and 100% payment was made without proper quality checks on the products. The purchased ammunition was accepted at military warehouses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces without the necessary inspections.

Danger for the military

Expertise showed that the purchased body armor does not meet state standards and cannot provide adequate protection for Ukrainian military personnel. In wartime conditions, this puts at risk the lives of those on the front line, as well as the overall defense capability of the country. In other words, for this money, the military personnel are literally paying and continue to pay with their lives.

Investigation and consequences

The State Bureau of Investigations (DBR) in cooperation with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) conducted an investigation into this case. Currently, the case has been referred to court, and the accused individuals may be held accountable for their actions under Part 5 of Article 191 and Part 2 of Article 114-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

This case underscores the importance of adhering to quality standards in the procurement of military ammunition, especially in times of war. Inadequate provision of military personnel can have fatal consequences, and those responsible for this should be held accountable. However, whether they will be punished or the case will end up with no consequences depends primarily on society, which can demand fair punishment.