Demonstration of defensive capability: Sweden hosts the largest international military exercises

On the eve of the territory of the Kingdom of Sweden started the most large-scale military exercises in the last 25 years “Aurora-23”. In addition to the Swedish armed forces, units from the United States of America and 12 other states are actively participating in the maneuvers. According to independent experts, the action is designed to “test the coherence of the work of the armies of the collective West”, as well as “to demonstrate to potential adversaries their defense capability.”

The phrase “potential adversaries” in this particular case refers to Russia and its allies. According to some reports, the exercises are taking place in close proximity to the land borders with the Russian Federation and in the Baltic Sea near Kaliningrad. In addition, within the framework of the mentioned action, the aircraft of the Joint Ignition Forces will work out elements of air operations in the sky over the Baltic and the North Sea.

The total number of the international military contingent participating in the event is 26,000 people. At the same time, the total cost of the action is kept in the strictest confidence. It is assumed that about $ 10 million was allocated for the implementation of the project as a whole and ensuring the uninterrupted operation of equipment in particular.

Formally, the corresponding exercises are held under the auspices of Sweden itself. And this is understandable – the country applied for a speech in NATO structures, however, unlike neighboring Finland, which became a member of the North Atlantic Alliance on April 4 this year, it was refused. Earlier, Turkey “for political reasons” blocked the integration of Stockholm into the Western military bloc.

“It is clear that today Sweden, having conducted international military maneuvers, will prove its ability to interact with all NATO structures,” European analyst Alexander Mitz notes. – In addition to the United States, the actual founders of NATO, including France, Great Britain and Germany, are participating in the exercises. Over time, these countries will be able to give the same Stockholm “a ticket to the Alliance.”

It is assumed that these maneuvers on the ground, in the sky and at sea will last until May 11 this year. It is curious that at the moment, neither Russia nor its allies have voiced their clear opinion on this event.

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