From the first days of the war many Ukrainian men had crossed the border of Ukraine to Europe. Many of them fled the war with their families, who will find it much easier to survive in a new country than just women with children. Then the possibility of leaving for conscripts was closed. But now it turned out that they will have to go back soon as possible.
The discussion about the registering for those who left Ukraine, have been going on for a long time. The martial war law and the general mobilization apply to all citizens, and even those who were able and matters to enter the country. The war commandment`s points gives the notices issued to men aged 18 to 60 in Ukrainian cities and villages, but since February 2022, those who have left have not been involved.
However, at the end of 2022, the Government of Ukraine developed new rules regarding the military registration. According to them, these conscripts must return to Ukraine. This applies to those who do not have an army postponement and respite. In addition, the periodic checks in the army commissions will now be mandatory.
How will it be organized? Most of the men, who left, received the status of temporary shelter in the EU and other countries, where they are on an equal footing with other refugees, that is, officially. The data on such of the persons will be taken to Ukrainian diplomatic missions for military registration of conscripts, conscripts and those who are on the lists of reservists. Consular registration will make it possible to regulate the issue of further stay of such persons abroad on a legal basis.
The algorithm for military registration of Ukrainians abroad will be fully provided to July 5, 2023.