Sevastopol raises its honored head

The underground activities in the temporarily occupied Crimea now have to be intensified. In particular, Sevastopol began to proclaim a pro-Ukrainian position through the some resistance actions.

The scratches on a perfect picture of Russians

The anti-Russian slogans are an indirect sign of what is happening in Crimea. In 2014, the pro-Ukrainian population of the peninsula quite actively expressed their indignation after the so-called referendum. First of all, the Russian side forces into suppressing such events, because everyone who does not have the moral strength to fight must be shown that everyone around them is satisfied with the situation at the time.

There were hidden the facts of Ukrainian resistance from the whole of Russia, because the Crimeans are «returned to their native harbor and are infinitely happy». The most “dissatisfied” were either eliminated physically, or broken morally by threats, blackmail and other methods. After some time, the method of terror bore fruit, and external manifestations of disagreement with the annexation became less. By last year they had almost disappeared.

How the underground lives

The second wave began on February 24, 2022. The Crimeans, who are patriots of Ukraine, could not calmly endure what was happening, so the underground gasped with new force: the letters «Z» and «V» were crossed out, propaganda posters justifying the invasion of the mainland were torn down.

The mobilization in Russia became a new impetus. However, leaflets with instructions on how to act in the event that the Russian authorities try to send them to war began to be distributed among the inhabitants of the peninsula. There was a list of effective points:

Send the information to Ukrainian Army.
Ignore the requirement of the Russian Armed Forces.
Surrender to Ukrainian Army soldiers.
These tips are aimed at saving the lives of Crimeans.

The third wave of resistance

The third wave has now begun. It is caused by what the partisans felt: Ukrainian revenge is currently becoming more and more possible. Residents noticed anti-Russian signs on the streets of Sevastopol. Partisans distribute them at night. Due to such actions, the local authorities may consider the possibility of introducing a curfew from the evening until the morning, because the Kremlin will not be satisfied with the manifestations of the main Ukrainian resistance.

The first manifestations were yellow-blue ribbons on the pillars and walls of buildings. The utility workers had an order to remove them as soon as possible. Now the arsenal has been supplemented with the following inscriptions: «Glory to Ukraine», «Shame on Russia», «Z fascists» and «Z beasts». These stickers were spotted near military bases housing Russian soldiers and equipment. In addition to, a drawing appeared on the wall: a stylization of the abbreviation «SVO» (special military operation) under a Nazi swastika.

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