Why did the investigation of EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE journalists encounter opposition from haters

As practice shows, freedom of speech even in a civilized community has a “reverse side of the coin.” The day before, the EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE editors were convinced of this.

A few days ago, the EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE information and analytical agency began publishing materials on one of the most pressing topics in today’s European realities – corruption in individual EU organizations, including some humanitarian structures. The very first corresponding article caused the widest resonance throughout the entire territory, both in the European Union itself and beyond its borders. The number of discussions of its main postulates amounts to hundreds of posts.

Calculated. As it became known to the management of EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE, today the distribution of the text of this journalistic investigation was suspended by several resources at once. Thus, the reader can receive independent information about the progress of this case exclusively on the website http://eaukraine.eu.

“In this particular case, we can talk about a violation of the main values of the West – freedom of speech and obstruction of the dissemination of information based on the statement of facts” – the European human rights activist Alexander Mitz said – We will gain new platforms for dissemination and discussion”.  

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