“Jet coalition”: Ukraine waiting for planes, Britain is still cautious

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski hinted during his visit to the UK at the creation of a “jet coalition”, referring to providing Ukraine with military assistance, including in the form of the latest modern fighter planes.

According to CNN, Zelenskyy said today that he was “positive” about the prospect that Western allies would provide Kiev with more fighter jets and Ukraine could form a “reactive coalition” with the West. He promised that the world would soon be able to hear “very important decisions”. However, he added that “it needs some more work”.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was more cautious in his statements today. “We are going to be a key part of the coalition of countries that are giving this support to Vladimir and Ukraine. But it is not an easy task,” he said.


In February this year, the British prime minister announced that Britain would train Ukrainian pilots to teach them how to fly NATO-standard fighter jets.

For the last few months Ukraine has been asking for, but cannot get, more military equipment from the West. According to military experts, Ukraine is now in dire need not so much of ammunition as of tanks and aircraft. The biggest breakthrough in Ukraine’s negotiations on this issue could be considered January this year. Then Germany promised that it would send Kiev Leopard 2 tanks. And the United States also pledged to send Abrams tanks.

It is now known that Rishi Sunak will still announce a new military support package for Ukraine. It will include hundreds of air defence missiles and other unmanned aerial systems, including hundreds of new strike drones with a range of over 200 kilometres. These weapons will help Ukraine liberate its territories, now occupied by Russia, in its eastern regions

Russia’s reaction

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that Moscow was “extremely negative” about the news that Britain was going to provide Ukraine with a new military aid package.

“This may not have a significant impact on the course of the special operation, but it will lead to further destruction and retaliation. This complicates the situation for Ukraine,” he said. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski is still in the UK.

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