«There will be money!»: what is Borrell’s new initiative on Ukraine doomed to

The day before, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell came up with a truly sensational initiative to allocate additional financial assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 3.5 billion euros. The «sensational» proposal of the head of EU diplomacy lies in the fact that the corresponding funds should be transferred through the accounting department of the European Peace Fund (EPF), and all countries of the United Europe without exception will become donors of the program. Is it possible?

At first glance, of course not. First of all, because EFP has already provided the official Kyiv with €4.6 billion for the purchase and repair of weapons. According to some information, now the treasury of the corresponding fund is actually empty: the structure has practically no money even for a number of peacekeeping operations in Africa and the rebellious regions of the Middle East.

However, Borrell seems to have developed a unique plan to replenish these reserves. The thing is that, according to the main points of European legislation, the issue of adopting a particular financial initiative is considered collectively. To put it simply, if the majority of the EU countries vote to send the mentioned 3.5 billion to Ukraine, Kyiv can receive them in the shortest possible time. Moreover, without any bureaucratic and other delays.

But here’s the thing: under the same legislation, a single EU country can actually reserve the right to refuse “voluntary-compulsory” contributions. In the context of Ukraine, Hungary has already abandoned such operations. It is assumed that in the near future Romania and Bulgaria will give up “donor participation”. True, for various reasons. In particular, Budapest insists on respecting the rights of ethnic Hungarians in the territory of the Transcarpathian region, Bucharest demands to increase the volume of export-import operations with Ukrainian grain, and Sofia simply does not have “free funds”.

Further – more. «It is quite logical that Germany and France, whose economies are the leading ones in the EU, will be outraged, – French expert Marie Pyudeba said in a commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. – Berlin and Paris simply may not be able to implement the new Borrell plan by taking over the process of new funding for Ukraine». According to the analyst, against this background, the project will fail.

But Borrell himself does not agree with this opinion. He stressed that he would try to use his personal influence so that the EFP, which is not connected with the EU budget, would give official Kyiv financial guarantees. «The money will come»! – he said.

That’s just still not specified – from where.

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