How the election of the President of the USA can lead to the defeat of Ukraine

There is growing coverage in the media about the potential loss of the Pentagon’s support for Kyiv after the change of the American President. Despite the elections being a year and a half away, the impact is already being felt in Kyiv. To fully comprehend the possible changes, it is important to have an understanding of the current situation.

The sponsor is rebelling

The fact that the USA is a main sponsor of Ukrainian weapons is widely recognized not only among Europeans but also among Americans who fund the weaponry sent to the Armed Forces of Ukraine through their taxes.

It’s not often that the Ukrainian-Russian war is seen on screens and displays by people from overseas, as the topic tends to lose relevance. However, US citizens are faced with the consequences of supporting Ukraine on a daily basis through the increasing prices of items in supermarkets and industrial stores.

They found the culprit

The belief that providing aid to Kyiv is responsible for economic decline is gaining traction in the public consciousness. It is partly due to the efforts of Russian propaganda that is active on both American continents. Consequently, a significant amount of Americans are of the opinion that the key factor for enhancing their standard of living is to end support for Ukraine.

“Trump card” of the race

This trump card will be used by most of the opponents of the current President Biden. Since the preparation of the pre-election campaign begins early, speculations on this topic are already clearly visible in the political environment. If you promise the electorate that Kyiv will no longer receive anything, you will achieve success.

Now it is believed that Biden’s main competitor will be Trump, who has already formed his position on the Ukrainian-Russian war. The upcoming elections will increase the rhetoric of the need to reduce aid to Kyiv.

Sink or swim

For his part, Biden can now choose one of two tactics to retain the electorate:

1. Actively reduce support for Ukraine, bringing it to the upcoming elections, so that it could no longer become the opponent’s trump card.

2. In the near future, provide maximum support that will help resolve the issue before the start of an active election campaign.

In theory, it’s possible to combine these two points. However, in practice, fulfilling the second point is difficult. The decision on assistance is not solely made by the President, it requires a joint decision. And there are enough politicians in the critical environment who don’t support Biden.

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