Who will be the next Secretary General of NATO?

Several influential political figures, including Ursula von der Leyen and Boris Johnson, have expressed their desire to become the Secretary General of NATO. However, member countries of the alliance are now seeking a verified Secretary General to lead the alliance for the next year.

Unity is difficult to achieve

Although a full consensus has not yet been reached, and some parties still being uncertain about the decision, the majority has already formed their own opinion.

In an interview, Stoltenberg himself expressed his intention to resign from his position. The idea of extending his term was first suggested by US President Joe Biden.

Just got used to it

According to Biden, his position was not due to the lack of worthy candidates. On the contrary, there are many interesting and promising candidates. He particularly highly appreciated the Prime Minister of Denmark Frederiksen.

The main reason that Stoltenberg must remain as NATO Secretary General for another year is not in his own qualities as a candidate, but in the fact that it will be difficult for the alliance to reach an agreement on choosing a new face. It could work to the advantage of the enemy by causing delays in decision-making.

The problem was simply postponed

The reappointment of Stoltenberg will help to solve the current problem through consensus development in the upcoming year. However, the political elite of the West is aware that such a decision may lead to a bigger problem in the future. It is a well-known fact that in the year 2024, there will be two major global events of great significance, namely:

– EU elections;

– US Presidential elections.

It is concerning that all of these events are scheduled to occur within a year. This poses a risk of instability, as each process requires time to stabilize the system. Additionally, there is a threat of disrupting the balance between opposing forces that maintain delicate stability in the world.

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