In the modern world, there is a trend towards the emergence of leaders who strive for radical changes and unconventional solutions. Donald Trump, elected as...
On January 21, the day after his inauguration, newly elected U.S. President Donald Trump will begin one of the most controversial decisions of his presidency...
The newly elected U.S. President Donald Trump, as expected, encountered the harsh reality of international politics. His attempt to initiate a "peace plan" to end...
This year, Google presented interesting results reflecting the moods, interests, and needs of Ukrainians. From searches about daily difficulties to queries about world-famous personalities and...
Ukraine once again finds itself at the center of global political discussions. President Volodymyr Zelensky's statement about the possibility of exchanging peace for NATO membership...
While the global community closely watches the progress of the COP29 climate summit, news about Donald Trump's political ambitions and his plans for future presidency...
World media are actively discussing the possible steps of Donald Trump as the President of the United States. His coming to power may significantly influence...