The world is preparing for a «great war»: the economy is on the military footing

Increasingly, Western politicians mention the possibility of a «great war» in interviews. Russia allows itself the same polemic but without providing details on the location of military operations or the countries that may be involved. Is there any basis for these statements?

The clouds are thickening

Analysts are pointing out that politicians are avoiding direct explanations, but it is still possible to draw conclusions from indirect signs.

The current situation has the potential to become even more tense due to the following factors:

– Ukraine is achieving tactical success, which may prompt Russia to use more serious and destructive weapons.

– With the change of power in Niger, Europe’s influence in Africa is declining while Putin is gaining support there.

– As the USA prepares for elections, there is a possibility that power may pass to the hands of political forces that are not willing to confront Russia. This may strengthen its faith in the success of military intervention.

Considering all of this, there is a growing risk of the so-called «great war».

Rebuild to survive

But the most significant indicator can be considered the fact that many countries are adapting to the current global economic situation by restructuring their economies to focus on expanding their military industries.

Ukraine is also operating according to this algorithm with a rapid increase in the number of defense enterprises. For comparison:

– spring 2022 – only four enterprises supplied cases for mines;

– summer of 2023 – 27 enterprises are already supplying the same cases.

Moreover, the defense industry is one of the few sectors that is seeing an increase in salaries and recruitment. Around 60 000 people are currently employed in state-owned enterprises in this industry in Ukraine, and this number will increase in the near future.

This activity in the defense industry may help prevent the economy from collapsing not just next year, but also in the post-war period. Ukraine could even become one of the largest suppliers of weapons, alongside giants like the USA, France, and Turkey.

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